Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Wisdom of the Rooms - Book Review

I just read a new book,The Wisdom of the Rooms, by Michael Z. It's a wonderful book of weekly reflections with inspiring messages that can apply to anyone and everyone whether you have an addiction problem or not.

One of my favorite quotes from this book is "there are no victims, only volunteers - you always have a choice." How many of us have become victims in our lives at one time or another and voluntarily give up our power to a harmful vice, situation, or another person? Michael Z's words help us to hold the mirror up and face the truth so that we know it's in our power to choose differently.

Another favorite quote is "my mind is like a bad neighborhood - I don't go in it alone." This made me laugh out loud because there are days when I'm obsessed with my own disturbing thoughts and it would be better for me to get out of my own head, or take a muscle bound friend in with me to beat down the monsters!

So, I'm recommending this as a MUST READ! It's simple, yet chock full of wisdom in every room. Also, check out his website at for more of his weekly quotes.

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